Monday, November 5, 2012

The Oslo Workshop on International Co-operation in Science, Technology and Innovation to Address Global Challenges

The Oslo Workshop on International Co-operation in Science, Technology and Innovation to Address Global Challenges took place in Oslo on May 18 to 20, 2011. This is the program of that even, with links to Powerpoint-presentations.

The workshop was hosted by The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in collaboration with OECD and the Research Council of Norway as part of the Norwegian Year of Science.

The need for efficient governance of International STI collaboration

The economic challenges of ensuring fiscal consolidation, economic restructuring and re-starting growth coincides with increasing political pressure to meet various social challenges, such as climate change, energy supply, clean water, infectious and neglected diseases, ageing and demographic change and food security.

These challenges are typically global in nature and cannot be dealt with alone by any country. They need to be addressed at a global level, and science, technology and innovation (STI) are essential to do so effectively.

Current policy frameworks and governance mechanisms for international co-operation exist for specific purposes and for different settings, but they often fall short of adequately supporting broad-based collaborative action at the scale, intensity and multi-disciplinarity required. New approaches and models for international collaboration need to be developed.

The Oslo workshop was to provide input to the OECD project on Governance of International Co-operation on STI for Global Challenges (STIG).


The workshop was organized in two general sessions (introduction, summing up) and four thematic sessions. Each of the thematic sessions was be focusing on governance dimensions identified within STIG as key to the development of effective collaborative frameworks. There were two prepared introductory presentations in each thematic session, one by a STIG expert and one by an invited stakeholder. After a short break, a general discussion took place under the lead of a moderator.

Click on links to download presentations!

Wednesday 18 May

10.30 am – 12.00 am: Introductory session

Keynote speech: Why is a new approach to international collaboration needed for bringing the resources and opportunities of science, technology and innovation to bear effectively on global challenges? 

Dr Prodipto Ghosh, Distinguished Fellow, TERI, former Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India: “Collaborative R&D for Global Problems”

Questions, general discussion

12.00 am – 01.30 pm Lunch

01.30 pm – 05.00 pm: Thematic session 1: Agenda- and priority-setting

Developing strong and inclusive agenda and priority setting mechanisms and models that ensure optimal outreach and stakeholder involvement while keeping co-operation effective and efficient.

·         Chair: Klaus Matthes, Science and technology policy adviser to the German OECD delegation

·         Presentation by Wolfgang Polt, Joanneum Research, Austria, STIG expert (15 min)

·         Presentation by Regina von Görtz, German Research Institute for Public Administration Speyer (25 min) “Agenda Setting and Priority Setting in Science and Science Policy”

·         Break

·         General discussion led by moderator.

19.30 pm: Dinner hosted by the Norwegian Ministry of Research and Education.

Thursday 19 May

9.00 am – 12.30 pm: Thematic session 2: Funding and spending
Efficient funding models that may lead to a significant up-scale of funds and the establishment of flexible and responsive spending arrangements.

·         Chair: Thomas auf der Heyde, Department of Science and Technology, South Africa
(slide presenting the technology cycle)

·         Presentation by Magnus Guldbrandsen, University of Oslo, STIG expert (15 min)

·         Presentation by Flora Painter, Inter-American Development Bank (25 min) “Effective International Cooperation to Address Global Challenges”

·         Break

·         General discussion led by moderator.

12.30 pm – 1.30 pm Lunch

1.30 pm – 5.00 pm: Thematic session 3: Capacity building, technology transfer and access arrangements
Developing mechanisms that factor the different levels of STI capacity in countries into the conceptualisation of co-operation, including technology transfer, build-up of absorptive capacities, improved access to knowledge generated from international ST collaboration and sharing the benefits.

·         Chair: Pierre Fabre, CIRAD, France

·         Presentation by Erika Kraemer-Mbula, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa, STIG expert (15 min) (Contact the researcher for presentation)

·         Presentation by David O’Brien, International Development Research Centre (25 min) “Globally Dispersed STI Capacity: Is it an issue for addressing global challenges?”

·         Break

·         General discussion led by moderator.

Friday 20 May

9.00 am – 12.30 pm: Thematic session 4: Delivering benefits – putting STI into practice
Developing arrangements to ensure that innovation is rolled-out in a timely and dynamic manner and that the outcomes of international collaborative STI efforts are delivered in practice.

·         Chair: Egil Kallerud, NIFU, Norway

·         Presentation by Andreas Stamm, German Development Institute, STIG expert (15 min)
·         Presentation by Keith Smith, Imperial College, UK (25 min) “Delivering benefits – putting STI into practice”

·         Break

·         General discussion led by moderator.

12.30 am – 1.30 pm Lunch

1.30 pm – 3.00 Summing-up session
Introduction by the four moderators and general discussion on lessons and conclusions

Further information
For further information on the workshop please contact Ragnfrid Lie, The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research ( , phone +47 2247737, mobile: +47 988 13 255).
For information regarding the OECD STIG project contact Jana Marie Mehrtens ( , phone +33 145249396).
Venue: Håndverkeren Kurs- og Konferansesenter, Rosenkrantzgate 7, 0159 Oslo, Norway.

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